martes, 29 de abril de 2014


Mark Van Der Zwart,
KCH Garden Square Nottingham,
1 Oxford Street,Nottingham, NG1 5BH.
Dear Friend,
I am mark van der zwart; an Attorney to Late Philanthropist Mr.
Randall Ott. Who was a successful business man in his time? During his
existence I use to manage some of his assets in the (Netherlands)
before he died of a heart attack in his Valencia resident Alaska, USA.
I wish to notify you that the Late Philanthropist Mr. Randall Ott,
made a Deposit of Six Million Euros(6, 000, 000.) in a highly
confidential account with (SNS BANK ) here in the Netherlands. Please
get back to me as soon as you read this e-mail for more details. For
proof of details do click the link below:

Best Regards,
Mr. Mark Van Der Zwart(Esq.)
Mark Van Der Zwart Chambers.

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 17:49

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